Change is an inevitable part of life. It happens whether we’re ready or not. One of the secrets of living successfully is to learn to handle the changes coming our way. Resistance to acknowledge change is only a temporary band-aid to the situation awaiting us and it could ultimately pose negative results.
For instance, when we try to avoid change of any kind, we often start feeling physical and psychological symptoms, such as considerable stress and anxiety.
Changes may be desirable or undesirable. Desirable changes are implemented through a step by step implementation plan while undesirable changes should be addressed more carefully through a change management process. In every case, the end goal is to lead change and eventually embrace it.
The secret in Change is focus all your energy not on fighting the old but building the new
… said Socrates revealing the key of a resilient approach.
Thus, instead of being afraid of the new situation, one should try to reap the benefits and adapt to it.
The capacity to adapt involves the mental, emotional, and physical means to incorporate new mindsets and behaviors, to absorb the key implications of a change. Therefore, only if we face the change with a positive view rather than a negative one, we can ensure a successful resilience approach.
The 8-steps introduced by Dr. John Kotter, an award winning Harvard Professor on leadership and change, can be used as a guide to lead and anchor successfully every change in our daily life. In the final stage of this approach, one has eventually managed to replace old habits and accept the new reality.
It is incorrect to assume people do not like change. Start giving $10.00 bill as bonus to everyone everyday in addition to monthly pay. It is a change people will like it. Will anyone resist receiving the $10 bill? I do not think so. Changes fail when those affected or perceived to be affected by change resist. It happens when their long held positions, perceptions and beliefs are challenged.
In an environment of DUCA- dynamic, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity , organizations require tremendous adaptive capacity. The adaptive challenges to develop this capacity, cannot be resolved by technical solutions of the day of sails. Adaptive challenges require different kind of leadership. Organizations need to have Adaptive Leadership Development system as opposed to leader development of days gone by.
Safety Management System is also a continuous change management process for continual improvement under the ISM Code.