Crew welfare is a very important issue nowadays ; the COVID-19 pandemic has actually brought forward such an important issue. In the recent SAFETY4SEA Virtual Forum, Mr. Johan Smith, Wellness at Sea Programme Manager at Sailors’ Society, noted that this situation is presenting us with a very unique opportunity to create a wellbeing and mental health management for our industry.
Overall, a multi-level intervention is needed to build awareness on multiple levels in which management should be involved as well. Also, we need to debunk some myths around seafarers and understand wellbeing and mental health from different cultural perspectives.
7 key issues in building a wellbeing and mental health management system
#1 Consider it as a holistic system
As an industry we should strive to understand wellbeing as being complex and multi-dimensional
#2 Collaboration is vital
Maritime stakeholders need to join forces to identify and address wellbeing challenges
#3 Maintain a continuous approach
The system needs to provide continuity of care, doing the basics right
#4 Spread the message across
Multi-level awareness should be a first goal
#5 Debunk any myths
There should be emphasis on distinguishing myths from facts
#6 Take culture into consideration
Harnessing collective knowledge is important
#7 Acknowledge family relationships
One of the cornerstones of positive health