The Ministry of Health of Sri Lanka issued an update concerning guidelines for people getting onboard vessels, focusing on three specific elements that have to be followed, keeping in mind that COVID-19 is ongoing.
The aim of this updated standard operating procedure (SOP) for persons other than authorities getting on board of vessels is to assess the risk of exposure of the service providers with regard to COVID 19 pandemic, to control their access and gather data for a quick response in an emergency situation
Applying to get onboard
The Ministry highlights that attention should be given on the three key elements herebelow
- Every person getting on board should have done COVID-19 PCR test within 14 days at the time of boarding. The PCR result should be attached to the same mail of your request.
- Adhere to all the given instructions in the attached form and provide all requested information.
- Forward all documents in PDF or Word format to avoid the delay in the process.
General Guidelines to get onboard
The SOP notes that the person should strictly follow the below mentioned conditions during the job.
- Check whether the vessel has obtained health clearance for operations. This is applicable for operations at OPL or at anchorage.
- Wear recommended Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), including face shield, face mask, disposable gown and disposable gloves.
- Use a plastic document pouch to carry documents
- Limit the time for onboard job to the minimum required
- Maintain at least one meter physical distance
- Avoid touching surfaces unnecessarily and do not touch face, eyes, nose or mouth
- Avoid having food or drink while on board. Do not take anything from the vessel other than the essential documents
- Avoid using mobile phone while onboard
- Avoid poorly ventilated areas/ air conditioned rooms as much as possible
- Limit in-person contact with the crew members as much as possible
- Do not use rest rooms and lavatories in the vessel
- Wash hands/ apply hand sanitizers as soon as coming out of the vessel and before and after removing the PPE.
- Remove all PPE except face mask. Put them to the appropriate disposal bin. Wash hands again and remove the face mask and wear a new one.
- Spray a disinfectant to shoes /boots
- Wipe the document pouch and the other belonging with a suitable disinfectant (e.g. 70% alcohol)
Moreover, it is noted that
Person getting onboard should inform the health authorities immediately in case if he develops any symptom related to COVID-19.
For more information, you may click on the paper herebelow