AtoB@C Shipping, subsidiary of ESL Shipping, declares an option and order for five additional vessels from the Indian shipyard Chowgule & Company Private Limited, from which the shipping company has previously ordered seven identical electric hybrid vessels.
The first two of the new vessels are already under construction, and the planned delivery of the first vessel is scheduled for the third quarter of 2023. The planned delivery of the last vessel is scheduled for the second quarter of 2026.
As announced earlier, ESL Shipping will establish a long-term GreenCoaster pool for energy efficient electric hybrid vessels together with a group of investors consisting of institutional and private investors.
A pooling structure is a model commonly used in the international shipping business for the ownership and operation of vessels. The forthcoming GreenCoaster pool will accelerate the growth, profitability and return on capital of ESL Shipping’s business.
The pool will also form the first phase of the shipping company’s new low-carbon growth strategy that utilizes investor funding and pooling structure.
AtoB@C Shipping will act as the manager of the pool and all vessels in the pool will be placed as part of the shipping company’s existing and growing contract traffic.