The Marshall Islands-flagged livestock carrier MV Barkly Pearl sustained damage to its hull off Australia and was successfully brought into the Port of Geraldton, on Tuesday night.
More specifically, on Tuesday night, AMSA tasked its Challenger search and rescue jet to fly over the vessel and subsequently confirmed damage to the starboard side of the vessel, which was listing to port.
AMSA General Manager of Response Mark Morrow said there were significant concerns for the integrity of the vessel and its ability to safely reach Indonesia, its planned destination.
We held concerns about the integrity of the vessel and the potential for environmental issues. As a result, AMSA issued a Direction for the vessel to make its way to safety in the Port of Geraldton,
…said Mr Morrow.
AMSA officials are currently working with Western Australian authorities to ensure that the vessel is safely in the Port of Geraldton. This includes managing any COVID risks on arrival in line with State protocols.