The US government is trying to delay the implementation date of the upcoming sulphur cap regulation, which mandates that ships should run on environmentally cleaner fuels. President Trump is worried that this regulation will increase the costs of fuels for consumers and businesses.
According to Wall Street Journal, the US administration fears that the 2020 sulphur cap will drive costs over $100 a barrel.
US is not planning to withdraw from the agreement, however it noted that a phasing implementation of the regulation will build experience both for the shipping industry and the energy sector.
An implementation in stages will be a measure to mitigate high fuel cost increases which will affect consumers, and could ensure that it will not be harmful to the global economy as well.
Better to start thinking about this sensibly now with practical solutions, such as a phase in, rather than panic nearer the time. however with availability and type very questionable and possibly regional, this could cause more confusion and difficulty in managing what fuel will be where, for who, and at what price.