During IMO’s 30th session assembly, the organization adopted resolution A.1116(30) about Escape Route Signs and Equipment Location Markings. The resolution harmonizes the requirement of SOLAS regulations II-2/13, II-2/15, III/9, III/11, III/20, taking into consideration the ISO standard 24409.
These signs and markings apply to vessels that are constructed on or after 1st January 2019 and current ships that undergo repairs, alterations, modifications and outfitting within the scope of SOLAS chapter II-2 and/or III as applicable, on or after 1st January 2019.
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Namely, the resolution contains, in Tables 1 and 2, updated signs and graphical symbols that should be used to mark the location of:
- Means of escape (Table 1, MES);
- Life-saving systems (Table 1, LSS);
- Mandatory action signs for launching lifesaving equipment (Table 2).

These symbols are necessary to comply with the mandatory requirements of SOLAS regulations II2/13.7 (ro-ro passenger ship escape routes), III/9 (LSA operating instructions), III/11 (survival craft muster and embarkation arrangements) and III/20.10 (marking of LSA stowage locations).
In addition, the Resolution includes non-mandatory signs regarding:
- Emergency equipment signs which provide use and location of first aid facilities and portable safety equipment (Table 1, EES);
- Fire-fighting equipment signs which provide use and location of fire-fighting equipment (Table 1, FES);
- Prohibition signs which provide prohibited actions (Table 1, PSS);
- Hazard warning signs which provide identification of hazards to avoid (Table 1, WSS)
- Mandatory action signs which provide obligatory notices and instructions (Table 1, MSS).

Moreover, Table 3 contains symbols that should be used along with IMO Resolution A.952(23) when preparing the shipboard fire control plans required by SOLAS regulation II-2/15.2.4. Exception for the symbols for ‘Safety Plan’ and ‘Fire and Safety Plan’, the symbols are the same as those that are already included in IMO Resolution A.953(23).
Continuing, the signs are categorized according to their function as follows:
- MES – means of escape signs which provide escape route identification.
- EES – emergency equipment signs which provide use and location of first aid facilities and portable safety equipment.
- LSS – life-saving systems and appliances signs which provide use and location of life-saving systems and appliances.
- FES – fire-fighting equipment signs which provide use and location of fire-fighting equipment.
- PSS – prohibition signs which provide prohibited actions.
- WSS – hazard warning signs which provide identification of hazards to avoid.
- MSS – mandatory action signs which provide mandatory notices and instructions. NOTE
- SIS – safety and operating instructions for trained personnel.

You may see more information in the PDF below