Republic of Liberia has issued a Marine Advisory, to draw the attention of shipowners, operators, masters and Liberia’s Recognized Organizations (RO) to AMSA’s policy on remote surveys.
AMSA has reported recent instances where an RO undertook a remote survey to sight rectification of a deficiency for a ship detained in Australia, whereupon AMSA’s re-attendance of the ship, it was found that the deficiencies were still outstanding.
As a result, AMSA will no longer accept any remote survey from an RO for a ship detained in Australia and cited the following two recent examples:
- A bulk carrier was surveyed remotely after being detained for defective auxiliary generators. The RO declared that both the required generators were operating satisfactorily. This remote survey was not accepted by AMSA. When the RO boarded the ship, none of the generators could sustain their rated power.
- Another bulk carrier was detained with a large number of maintenance related defects. The RO undertook a remote survey and attested that all defects had been rectified. When AMSA boarded the ship, a significant number of defects remained outstanding.
Remote surveys are not equivalent to a physical survey. As a result, we will no longer accept any remote survey from an RO for a ship detained in Australia.
..AMSA stated.
As such, the Republic of Liberia recommends that Owners, Operators, Masters and RO’s to ensure that physical attendance of an RO Surveyor is arranged whenever verification of the rectification of any deficiency on a vessel detained in Australia by the vessel’s RO is required.