Danish Maritime Authority uses risk analysis tools
How is safety of navigation affected if a shipping lane is changed? What is the risk of a collision in specific waters?
This was the case when the International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) held a seminar in Madrid last week on the use of risk analysis tools.
33 persons from all over the world attended the seminar, including several experts from the Danish Maritime Authority. The Danish Maritime Authority presented and taught the seminar participants how to use the Danish experiences gained with risk analysis tools in the very busy Strait of Gibraltar between Spain and Africa.
Among other things, the Danish Maritime Authority presented the use of the risk assessment tool IWRAP (IALA Waterway Risk Assessment Program). This has been developed in cooperation between the Danish Maritime Authority, IALA, the software company Gatehouse, the Technical University of Denmark and a number of foreign universities.
The program can be used to calculate the actual probabilities of collisions and groundings in specific waters and to predict what will happen if shipping lanes are changed or if the ship traffic starts behaving differently than previously.
In Denmark, the program has inter alia been used to analyse the risk associated with replacing a light by floating aids to navigation, and we have analysed the effect of closing down and changing shipping lanes.
Source & Image Credit : DMA