Baltic Exchange: Maritime market highlights 13-20 Mar

The Baltic Exchange, the world’s independent source of maritime market data, has issued its reports for the last week, 13-20 March 2020, to provide information of the bulk and dry market performance. The information is used by shipbrokers, owners & operators, traders, financiers and charterers as a reliable and independent view of the dry and tanker markets.

  • In the Middle East, rates for 280,000mt to the US Gulf via Cape to Cape routing, fell back to WS120 having reached just over WS200.
  • 270,000mt to China is now worth WS130, down almost 100 points from its peak.
  • In West Africa the trip for 260,000mt to China rates have dropped 75 points week-on-week to WS120 level.

Tankers – Suezmax

  • In the West Africa to UK-Continent market, rates crashed 100 points down to WS120.
  • On the 135,000mt Black Sea to Mediterranean market, rates fell 50 points to WS150.
  • In the Arabian Gulf, rates also fell away on the 140,000mt Basrah to Mediterranean market, having risen to close to WS200, are last assessed at WS120.

Tankers – Aframax

  • Rates for 80,000mt Ceyhan to the Mediterranean climbed another 30+ points to WS177.5
  • 0,000mt Caribbean to US Gulf saw a modest rise of 7.5 points to WS192.5-195 level.
  • Rates for 70,000mt US Gulf to the Mediterranean remained flat at WS172.5-175.

Tankers – Clean


  • Another positive week for owners saw rates in the Middle East Gulf to Japan trade for 75,000mt gain 17 points to very high WS170s
  • The LR1s firmed 15 points to peak at around WS177.5/178 region,
  • Exxon are said to have paid WS180 from Sines, and the market is now coming under downward pressure.

Bulk Carrier – Capesize

  • The Atlantic Basin was the bigger mover this week, albeit with fewer fixtures, as large declines in the bunker prices lifted timecharter rates in relation to the marked voyage rates.
  • Declines were felt later in the week with the Brazil to Qingdao C3 dropping from $10.535, to end the week at $9.970.
  • West Australia to China C5 saw a constant flow throughout the week with rates fluctuating to close out at $4.305.

Bulk Carrier – Panamax

  • Weaker bunker prices further accentuated matters, and there became an apparent appetite for many owners to lock in for longer duration business given the increasingly bleak macro-outlook.
  • This resulted in some discounted rates getting agreed.
  • Rates for fronthaul trips generally hovered around the high $8,000’s to $9,000 mark for nicer described unit’s delivery Southeast Asia and India positions, whilst earlier tonnage was able to achieve closer to $13,000 plus $300,000 ballast bonus delivery Arrival Pilot Station (APS).

Bulk carrier – Supramax/Ultramax

  • Period activity was seen, with an Ultramax open North China, fixing five to eight months trading at $11,000.
  • In the Atlantic, uncertainty remained about port activities in East Coast South America, brokers said rates suffered with a lack of fresh enquiry.
  • An Ultramax was rumoured fixed at around $20,000 for a trip to the East Mediterranean with petcoke.

Bulk carrier – Handysize

  • Minimal changes in East Coast South America this week, whilst in the US Gulf, brokers saw a tight tonnage list, with rates continuously improving.
  • In the East, short period fixtures were reported with a 34,000dwt ship, delivery Vietnam, fixed for three to five months at $5,000 for the first 45 days, and $7,000 thereafter.
  • From the Indian Ocean, a 36,000dwt ship open Mesaieed was booked for a trip to West Coast India at $7,000.

The full reports are available on Baltic Exchange’s website, under related category. Namely, the Baltic Exchange information is based on assessments made by a global panel of shipbrokers, covering voyage and timecharter rates for capesize, panamax, supramax and handysize bulk carriers; VLCC, aframax & MR tankers, LPG and LNG vessels as well as  forward assessments, vessel values, market reports & fixtures and demolition values.

Baltic Exchange: Maritime market highlights 13-20 MarBaltic Exchange: Maritime market highlights 13-20 Mar
Baltic Exchange: Maritime market highlights 13-20 MarBaltic Exchange: Maritime market highlights 13-20 Mar

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