ABS issued a white paper discussing the new EEXI regulations that were approved by the recent MEPC, further explaining the amendments to MARPOL Annex VI, Chapter 4.
To remind, the MEPC 75 approved the amendments to MARPOL Annex VI, with new requirements addressing GHG emissions and the approval of guidelines for onboard fuel sampling. In addition, the IMO GHG strategy, approved in 2018, seeks to reduce overall GHG emissions from ships by 50% from 2008 levels by 2050, but is under pressure to speed up action.
According to the white paper, the EEXI regulations apply to all vessels falling under the ship type categories subject to compliance with EEDI regulations. EEXI does not apply to category A ships as defined in the Polar Code and ships having non-conventional propulsion except for cruise ships (non-conventional propulsion) and LNG carriers (conventional and nonconventional propulsion).
The attained EEXI will be ship-specific. For instance, it will be calculated for each individual vessel and verified by the Flag Administration or any organization authorized by it (e.g. Classification Societies). the calculation will be included in each vessel’s EEXI technical file along with any supporting technical data and information used in the calculation process.
It is reminded that although the EEXI calculation guidelines have been developed, they remain in draft form. Concerning the calculation, the methodology is
The EEXI calculation guidelines have been developed but so far remain in draft form. The calculation methodology is aligned with that used for EEDI. However, the determination of specific technical inputs such as the vessel’s reference speed (VREF) require further consideration. The supporting data and information that would normally be available during the EEDI verification process, may be difficult to obtain for EEXI. For such cases, an alternative calculation method was introduced based on statistical speed data of existing ships from the IHS Fairplay database also accounting for the correlation with the ship’s engine power.
For more information on EEXI, you may click on the report herebelow