The video, issued by the International Labour Organization (ILO), attempts to explain how skills development measures are instrumental in reaping the benefits of potential job creation in new green economic activities and in addressing the social challenges in shifting to more sustainable models of energy generation, production and consumption across sectors.
Technological change, globalization, demographic trends and climate change will significantly shape skill needs for new and current jobs alike.
The growing importance of sustainable development and the shift to a low-carbon and climate-resilient economy will require new skills and qualifications, offering great potential for the creation of green jobs but also implying structural changes and a transformation of existing jobs.
The transition to a low-carbon and greener economy will generate millions of new jobs, negatively affect some high-emitting sectors, and alter most existing occupations in terms of task compositions and skills requirements.
Massive deployment of skills development and active labour market policy measures will be needed to enable countries to implement the climate change targets, maximize job gains and address negative impacts while transitioning to low-carbon economies.