DataWAVE and SoundWAVE are launched
Gentay is launching two new products for communication between ship and shore, DataWAVE and SoundWAVE.
SoundWAVE aims to adapt technologies from the terrestrial environment, such as ultra-low bandwidth VoIP, to deliver call costs of US$0.04 per minute to 57 global destinations, according to the company. Other global destinations can also benefit from low rates, though not at the $0.04 level.
Gentay says that SoundWAVE will also offer free unlimited calls between vessels and the office on shore, as well as billing increments of only 6 seconds.
DataWAVE integrates Gentay’s Global Roaming SIM Card to reduce the cost of sending and receiving data between ship and shore, while also using terrestrial cellular networks to improve data transmission speeds. The system can be deployed within an hour by the crew on board.
“Data transmission and collaborative cooperation based on high speed network connectivity is a prerequisite of running a competitive enterprise in the 21st century. DataWAVE addresses these issues by reducing the reliance on expensive and slow transmission satellite communications,” said Martin Nygate, director of Gentay.
“In addition, we all use the phone constantly to collaborate with our colleagues and stakeholders. Low cost calls are essential to conducting business and, with mariners away from home for months on end, crew welfare and the ability for the company to provide very low cost calls for their crew is highly appreciated and contributes significantly to crew retention rates.”
“SoundWAVE facilitates low cost – or no cost – ship/shore communications with investment of below US$500.”