Following the release of its preliminary findings last year, Tokyo MoU has now issued its official report on the CIC on Emergency Systems and Procedures, noting that a total of 216 ships were detained during the campaign, with 55 of these relating to the CIC topic.
Tokyo MoU carried out a Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Emergency Systems and Procedures jointly with the Paris MoU between 1st September 2019 and 30th November 2019. This report documents the Tokyo MoU results for the campaign.
The statistics of CIC Questionnaire show that implementation of the specific provisions of Emergency systems and procedures is satisfactory, but the number of CIC-topic related detentions is higher than other CIC items: 36 ships in 2017, 4 ships in 2018 and 55 ships in 2019.
Key figures
- During the CIC, a total of 8,243 inspections were carried out involving 7,680 individual vessels, with a total of 7,174 inspections performed with a CIC questionnaire.
- In total 216 (2.62%) ships were detained during the campaign. The CIC-topic detention rate was 0.77% (55 ships were detained). 25.46% of the detentions were related to the CIC topic.
- The number of ships with CIC-topic deficiencies totalled 1,416 vessels, or 19.74% per CIC inspection.
- In analyzing the CIC Questionnaire data, the most satisfactory results were for Q10, 2 and 4, which queried whether the relevant crews are familiar with the operation of emergency equipment, the public address system capable of broadcasting emergency announcements and the steering gear system and its related emergency alarms– only (Q10) 1.04% (Q2) 1.60% (Q3) 1.91% responded “No”.
- The least favorable results were reported for Q5, which asked the muster list details in accordance with SOLAS requirements: 178 “No” answers (2.48%) were recorded.
By ship type
- The highest number of CIC inspections relating to ship type were conducted on bulk carriers (2,773 vessels, or 38.65%), followed by container ships (1,276 vessels, or 17.79%) and general cargo/multipurpose vessels (1,234 vessels, or 17.20%). Ships from 77 flag States were inspected during the CIC.
By flag state
- The greatest number of inspections were carried out on ships flying the flags of Panama (1,942 vessels, or 27.07%), the Marshall Islands (729 vessels, or 10.16%) and Liberia (720 vessels, or 10.03%).
- The flag State with the most CIC-topic related detentions was Panama (20 of 1,942 inspections, or 1.03%), followed by Liberia (5 of 720 inspections, or 0.69%), Marshall Islands (4 of 729 inspections, or 0.55%) and Vietnam (3 of 145 inspections, or 2.07%).
- Of Tokyo MoU member Authorities, China and Japan conducted the most CIC inspections at 1,784 and 1,390 respectively, constituting 44.24% of total CIC inspections. China had the highest number of CIC-topic related detentions (33 vessels, or 60%).
It is recommended that Port State Control Authorities pay attention to the emergency fire pump and emergency generator condition because these two CIC items make up 58% of the total detentions,
…the report reads.