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SSI report highlights developments across sustainability challenges

  The Sustainable Shipping Initiative (SSI), has identified that since 2012, industry progress has been driven by greater demand throughout shipping supply chains for transparency as well accelerating investments in alternatives to bunker fuel. The combined effect of greater commercial and public scrutiny of shipping and sustainability-focused legislation has also led to increasing pressure for regulations to be enforced more strictly. The ‘Changing Context’ report was developed in partnership with Forum for the Future through its Futures Centre digital platform to report on the seven global trends highlighted in the SSI’s Case for Action in early 2012. In response to this, the SSI has since developed its Vision 2040 as well as a practical, action-orientated Roadmap, to address the issues identified. Three years on, the report revisits the trends to monitor how and where progress has been made. Changes that were identified as moving most rapidly included the following: Higher expectations and increased scrutiny enabled by today’s highly networked, digital age have pushed investors, shipping customers and in turn, ports and charterers to push for transparency in ship performance. This has partially resulted in the development in incentives for the adoption of energy efficient technology (e.g. ship ratings schemes) and ...

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SSI highlights rise of the ‘sustainable shipper’

The Sustainable Shipping Initiative (SSI)  is demonstrating how charterers are becoming a powerful force in driving sustainable shipping standards and becoming a catalyst for instigating industry change beyond regulation. Initiatives by SSI members such as AkzoNobel, Cargill and Bunge have highlighted the clear link between pro-actively implementing new, innovative measures within their shipping operations as part of wider business-led sustainability strategies, and achieving significant tangible financial and environmental benefits as a result. These include: AkzoNobel: The company has incorporated the use of the ship ratings scheme, Clean Shipping Index, within its tendering process and has found that using this to inform purchasing decisions is strengthening its business value chain as a whole Bunge: Since 2013, Bunge has saved approximately 10,000 metric tonnes of marine fuel by running 25% of its fleet at slower speeds. It has also created a transparent global emissions index to inform transport industry decision-making as well as incentivising the building and use of more fuel efficient ships. Cargill: The company has committed to using the RightShip Green Rankings system in its vessel selection process and will only charter vessels that meet particular efficiency ratings levels. By using this alongside other environmental innovation practices, Cargill is averaging ...

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Sustainable Shipping Initiative sets sustainability benchmark

The Sustainable Shipping Initiative (SSI) has announced that all of its members have signed a set of shared commitments to set a clear benchmark for sustainable practices.  These shared commitments also aim to create greater clarity and momentum on the minimum needed across the industry if we are to achieve its vision of a truly sustainable industry by 2040. By signing up to the commitments, each member agrees to: Publicly report on sustainability Have a sustainability strategy that links to its core business Set clear reduction targets for environmental issues that are most material to their activities (as per their impacts and an agreed list) Deliver a positive impact on people and society   These joint pledges set a baseline for sustainable practices throughout the SSI and will galvanise the individual efforts of participating companies.  They are designed to create real transparency and accountability amongst the membership, serving to drive performance improvement. Most importantly, by delivering against these shared commitments, sustainability will become a core element of business strategy as well as a key barometer for decision-making, driving innovation, as well as progressive and more profitable change. The shared commitments will also be used as a guideline for new members’ ...

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Focus on Sustainable Shipping at Singapore Event

Singapore Maritime Week On April 26th in Singapore, Sustainable Shipping Initiative (SSI) launched a series of practical, collaborative action plans aimed at developing a sustainable shipping industry for the future. Wärtsilä and other members have committed to deliver first results before the end of 2013.Presented as part of Singapore Maritime Week, the action plans are a significant step for the SSI as it works toward achieving its vision of a shipping industry that is both profitable and sustainable by 2040."The SSI has committed to an ambitious vision for the industry, and these action plans are a vital step in us achieving this vision. Work is focused on creating a clear framework that the wider industry can use to adopt more sustainable practices. Over the next 18 months, members will be developing new prototypes, technologies and financial models that promote sustainability as well as the guidelines that businesses need to implement change", says Jonathon Porritt, Forum for the Future's Founder Director.Four working groups - results by the end of 2013In order to work on the plans SSI members have been split into four initial work streams, with each one focusing on a different key area for the industry that have been ...

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