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How to improve your chances of survival when abandoning ship

NTSB Safety Alert The NTSB has issued a Safety Alert regarding ways to improve your chances of survival when abandoning ship. Good preparation and proper use of safety equipement is key to survival.The NTSB recently investigated an accident that required the crew to abandon aweather-damaged liftboat in near-hurricane-force conditions. Several problemsleading up to and during the vessel abandonment negatively impacted the10 crewmembers' probability of survival once they were in the water, and four ofthem died as a result:The company hurricane plan did not account for rapidly and locally developinglow pressure weather systems. This reduced the crewmembers' ability toproperly plan for the developing storm and to make an early decision to leavethe vessel through routine means before the onset of the storm.The vessel had recently been equipped with two new inflatable throw-over-typeliferafts. However, the liferafts were inflated on deck instead of in the water whenthe crew prepared to abandon the vessel. This led to the liferafts blowing awayfrom the vessel and vanishing in the high winds and seas. The crewmembersended up clinging to a lifefloat, which, unlike the liferafts, did not provideout-of-water flotation, shelter from the elements, and nonperishable food anddrinking water.Although the crewmembers had gathered additional food, drinking water, andother ...

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