In February 2024, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) published the second edition of its Engine Room Procedures Guide, after 5 years of the first edition, featuring routine engine room procedures and useful checklists for the ship’s engineering team.
This edition is globally accepted as industry’s best practice and provides clear guidance on safe and environmentally responsible engine room operation and maintenance, supporting internationally agreed standards and recommendations adopted by the IMO.
What’s new?
The new edition has incorporated some additional guidance for fuels other than marine fuel oil (LNG, Alkali, Biofuels etc) and extended guidance for enclosed spaces, Ballast water treatment and Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems (ECGS).
Main Text differences
Chapter 1 Introduction
- Para 1.2 Changes in wording to include reference to EGCS & BWTS. Special references have been made to SMS familiarization Procedure.
- Para 1.3 Inspections and Repairs have been added to existing responsibilities of Engineering Team
- Para 1.6.1 For critical equipment identification reference is made to OCIMF Safety Critical Equipment & Spares parts Guidance
- Para 1.6.3 Additional Cyber Security items have been added
Chapter 2 Engineering Department Organization.
- New generic guidance paragraph has been incorporated. New paragraphs incorporated 2.2.1 Watch Keeping Team & 2.2.2 UMS Team
- Para 2.2 Organization Chart, ETO (Electro Technical Officer) advanced to Management Level, Gas Engineer incorporated to Operational Level.
- Para 2.2.1 New Chart for Watchkeeping Team, In Operational Level 3 Officers, In Support level 3 Ratings and Additional guidance on roles and responsibilities
- 2.2.3 Reference is made to SMS with the requirement include clearly defined duties for the following Officers:
- 2nd Engineer responsible for Main Engine
- 3rd Engineer responsible for Auxiliary Engines
- 4th Engineer responsible for Sewage/Fresh water system and OWS
- Organizational chart changed to Management and Operational level
- Para 2.4 for ETO revised with additional Guidance.
Chapter 3 Engineering Team management
- New definition for EOOW – Engineer Officer of the Watch
- Para 3.4.1 changed from No Blame Culture to Just Culture
- New para 3.4.2 incorporated under the title of Challenging Decisions
- Para 3.5 is revised to include the wording ” 2nd Engineer is responsible for planning tasks in advance in order to meet work/rest hours schedule”
Chapter 4 Communications
- Additional guidance provided for Working Language on Board
- 4.2.1 Closed Loop System, para. totally restricted with new guidance
- Para 4.4.2 Additional guidance for UMS operation incorporated
- Para 4.4.3 Additional guidance for Communication between E/R and Bridge during maneuvering has been added
- Para 4.6.1 Additional Info for Alarms received during UMS added
Chapter 5 Safety of the Ship
- Additional guidance has been incorporated
- Para 5.3 test of fixed fire equipment, fire man outfit and EEBD has been added
Chapter 7 Critical Operations Periods
- Additional reference has been incorporated in Para. 7.7 for ECAs
- In para 7.8 Bunkering new sub paragraphs have been incorporated:
- 8.3 Fuel Quantities
- 8.4 LNG Bunkering
- 8.5 Bunkering of Biofuels
- 8.6 Alkali Bunkering
Chapter 8 Watchkeeping
- New extended guidance for Oil Record Book has been incorporated as para. 8.8.1
- 8.1.3 Revised to include additional guidance
- Para 8.6 Weekly tests has been incorporated for operating fluids (Boiler Water/Thermal Oil/ LT-HT cooling water, lube oils etc)
Chapter 9 Pollution control
- Some additional items have been incorporated in several sections of the chapter
- 9.3.1 Additional extended guidance has been incorporated for OWS
- Para 9.3.4 Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems (EGCS). New para have been incorporated. Old renumbered as
- Para 9.3.5, revised to include additional guidance for Record Keeping
Chapter 10 Machinery Operational Guidelines
- New para 10.2.2 Low Load Operation has been incorporated
- Para 10.3 regarding fuels restructured to include guidance for fuels other than marine fuel oil (LNG, Biofuels, Dual engine fuel etc)
Chapter 11 Machinery Maintenance and Inspections Guidelines.
- Para 11.8.1, Additional Risk Assessment Matrix Sample has been incorporated. The new sample is a 5×5 numeric matrix with numeric Risk Rating calculation.
- Para 11.11 for enclosed space entry totally restructured to include additional guidance . The following subparagraphs have been incorporated:
- 11.1 Introduction
- 11.2 IMO Guidelines
- 11.4 Oxygen Content in Air
- 11.5 Oxygen Deficiency
- 11.6 Flammable gases
- 11.7 Oxygen Enrichment
- 11.8 Oxygen Depleting
- 11.9 Enclosed space and rescue drills
- Para 11.11.10 Preparation for Enclosed Space entry is totally restructured. (1st edition 2 pages / 2nd edition 15 pages)
- Para 11.12 Hot work is restructured to include additional guidance and work Flowchart
Chapter 12 Ship type Specific Guidelines
- No significant changes
- Para 12.1.1 OCIMF SIRE reference has been included
Chapter 13 Preparing for Inspections
- Chapter is totally restructured with extended guidance
- Common findings and deficiencies have been incorporated. (1st edition 1 page/ 2nd edition 7 pages)
Appendix A Maneuvering Checklists
- All checklists revised to include numbering for easy reference and columns status and Remarks
Appendix B E/R Checklists and Permits
- All checklists are revised to include numbering for easy reference and columns status and Remarks
- New checklist B-4 for LNG Bunkering is incorporated
- New checklists B-6,B-7,B-8for Alkali bunkering have been incorporated
- Old checklist id renumbered
- B-9 Enclosed Space entry revised in Section 1 (regarding gases limits)
Appendix C Emergency Checklists
- All checklists revised to include numbering for easy reference and columns status and Remarks
Actions required
Ship managers and operators should be aware of the revised ICS Engine Room Procedure Guide. Some sections of the SMS may require modification or revision to include new items featured in the guide. Additionally, the Engine Room Emergency Checklists included in the SMS need to be reviewed in conjunction with the new guide.