MPA Singapore has issued a circular to highlight the importance of using appropriate radiocommunication equipment during distress situations, in accordance with Chapter IV of SOLAS.
MPA Singapore also emphasizes the need to be aware of coast stations that maintain MF, HF, and VHF watch using Digital Selective Calling (DSC) and to consider relevant coast station information (including DSC equipment and operating frequencies) when preparing the ship’s voyage plan.
Ensure all GMDSS duty personnel onboard are familiar with preferred methods for transmitting distress alerts from the bridge, to prompt Search and Rescue (SAR) assistance.
The master is advised to broadcast distress alert via all available radio communication systems on the bridge in event of distress situations. This approach would mitigate the risk of coastal stations failing to receive the alert due to absence of the watch on particular reception equipment. Furthermore, the ship’s ISM manager should revise the Safety Management System procedures to incorporate and reflect the “Revised GMDSS operating guidance for ships in distress situations”. In addition, the flow-chart provided in MSC.1/Circ.1656 (see below) should be prominently displayed as an A4 poster on ships’ bridges for quick reference.

EPIRB should float free and activate automatically if it cannot be taken into survival craft. Where necessary, ships should use any appropriate means to alert other ships.
To remind, effective from 01 January 2024, new regulatory changes impact maritime radiocommunication equipment due to the introduction of a new VHF frequency.