Tag: corporate life

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Career Paths: Shaun White, Foreship UK

Shaun White, Managing Director, Foreship UK Ltd., emphasizes the significance of maintaining a work-life balance, crucial for overall well-being. Over the last five years, he has concentrated on prioritizing self-care, setting boundaries, and allowing time for recharging. This shift in mindset has been transformative, boosting his energy, productivity, and creativity while also affording him quality time with his family.

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Career Paths: Martin Penney, LR OneOcean

Martin Penney advocates prioritizing fulfillment in our work; he emphasizes that life is too precious to spend in roles solely for career advancement. With a fervent enthusiasm for digitalization, Martin, as the new CEO at LR OneOcean, is excited to lead the industry's digital transformation and its move towards decarbonization.

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Wellness Corner: Ben Tyler, London P&I Club

Ben Tyler, Claims Manager, London P&I Club, explains that wellness means different things to different people, but ultimately involves prioritizing one's health and engaging in activities that improve personal well-being. He emphasizes the importance of investing in quality sleep, noting that he feels much better since purchasing a new bed, experiencing fewer aches and pains as a result.

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Wellness Corner: Luc Smulders, Paris MOU

Luc Smulders, Secretary General, Paris MOU, tries to maintain a boundary between his personal and professional life, striving for a work-life balance. While remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic has improved this balance, challenges still remain. He enjoys spending time with his two dogs and getting up-to-date with the  geopolitical developments.

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Career Paths: Rob Parkin, Bazeport

Rob Parkin, Business Development Manager at Bazeport, underscores the transformative impact of emerging connectivity technologies in the shipping industry. These advancements not only pave the way for increased digitalization but also present unique opportunities to optimize both operational efficiency and crew well-being.

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