As part of its efforts aimed at reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated by the company’s ships, Abu Dhabi National Tanker Company (ADNATCO) and National Gas Shipping Company (NGSCO) developed and implemented a project geared to achieve significant reduction in ship energy consumption, millions of dollars in savings, and cutting thousands of tons in CO2 emissions.
“In 2015, we achieved CO2 reduction of 200,000 MT, fuel saving of 64,285 MT at a cost of US$20 million” Capt. Mohamed Al Ali, SVP Operations, ADNATCO and NGSCO, said.
“ADNATCO and NGSCO embarked on an extensive study on the energy performance of the company’s fleet to identify areas for improvement. Six major areas were identified and various recommendations were made to enhance our energy performance.”
”The five-year project called ‘Al Daffah’ involves developing comprehensive Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan for all our fleet. And once fully implemented by 2017, it is expected to deliver a potential saving of approximately 27% annually in energy consumption, which amounts to approximately US$25 million dollars in savings annually, together with a carbon footprint reduction of approximately 250,000 tons of CO2 emissions,” Capt. Al Ali said.
“We have also installed tools to monitor and review the process with an appointed dedicated team to implement the project in order to institutionalize energy efficiency within ADNATCO and NGSCO and become a leading and sustainable performer locally and regionally,” he said, noting we installed MARORKA system onboard our vessels to measure the various parameters in terms of collecting ships behavior data for gap analysis and taking timely decisions to control the outcome as part of energy monitoring.
“The system is capable of monitoring vessel energy consumption and providing support and advice to ship staff on how to improve hull efficiency, main propulsion performance and voyage management.”
The system already installed onboard 6 vessels and demonstrated successful results of potential energy saving up to 10%. The system will be installed on board another 16 vessels including bulk Supramax, Handy Size, Tanker Aframax, Panamax, LNG and LPG.
The project also includes coating the ship’s hull and propeller with environmentally superior paint and possible retrofit MEWIS duct technology.
“MEWIS Duct solution works to direct water stream toward the ship propeller aims to improve ship speed and efficiency. The test trails we carried out on board one of our vessels showed significant in propulsion and hull efficiency with recorded fuel saving upto 6 %.,” Capt. Al Ali said.
Another measure is to establish energy efficiency short and long term strategy at various levels such as corporate level, fleet level, and Ship level as well as employee performance.