Escape doors and exit routes should be highlighted more clearly using fluorescent colour
The UK P&I Club has issued Technical Bulletin NO 39 -2012 regarding Escape from engine rooms as follows:
Engine rooms by their very design are hazard areas for all sorts of reasons to the unwary or unfamiliar – automatically starting machinery, loud noises, loud alarms, poorly indicated or signposted escape routes, blind areas that will lead you into a place with no exit, etc.
Engine room – emergency escape routes
It is suggested that engine room emergency escape doors and exit routes should be highlighted more clearly using fluorescent colour such as ‘day glo’ orange or yellow or painting the door with ‘tiger stripes’.
Whatever paint is used it should be a water based paint rather than an oil based paint so as not to affect the properties of the class ‘A’ fire doors that are always
fitted to the engine room exits.
A point never to forget is that any door that leads you out from the engine room is effectively an ’emergency exit’.
For more details , click Technical Bulletin 39-2012
Source: UK P&I Club