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California passes bill that calls for 75% reduction in single-use plastics by 2030

At the end of May, California Senate passed the 'California Circular Economy and Plastic Pollution Reduction Act' according to which the producer manufacturers and retailers in California should reduce the waste generated by single-use packaging and products by 75%  by 2030 through producing less plastic, recycling more of it, making reusable packaging, or using compostable materials.

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Product tanker collides with bridge on Mississippi

On June 16, a product tanker collided with the Sunshine Bridge, a highway crossing over the Mississippi about halfway between Baton Rouge and New Orleans. As the US Coast Guard reported, no injuries or pollution took place. The fender system sustained damages, with the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development stating that there are no structural issues with the bridge itself.

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Greek ship operator’s crew faces pollution charges

The US Department of Justice informed that Capital Ship Management Corporation, a Greek ship operator and two cargo ship engineers face federal charges in water pollution case, involving dumping of oily waste. The defendants had failed to record illegal dumping of oily waste into international waters and obstruction of justice, by ordering the ship's crew to lie about this action.

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