Mr Patrick Verhoeven, Secretary General of ECSA, gave an interview to GREEN4SEA team about European Shipping Week 2015 and latest developments in maritime environment. G4S: The inaugural European Shipping Week is due early March : What are your goals & aspirations for the event ? What would be a positive outcome ? P.V.: The main aim of European Shipping Week is to make European policy-makers aware of the value-added shipping brings for Europe and its citizens. Now that we have both a new European Parliament and European Commission in office, the time is right to demonstrate what our industry is all about. This ties in with the review of the European Maritime Transport Strategy, which the European Commission is currently undertaking. I hope the week and, especially, the Flagship Conference of Wednesday can provide positive input to this process. At the same time, European Shipping Week forms a unique occasion to show in real terms the diverse range of operations shipping represents: containers, bulk, general cargo, ferry, roro, cruise, offshore … Next to the main conference and related seminars, we will do that through a series of on-site visits to the ports of Antwerp, Ghent and Zeebrugge. G4S: What is ...
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