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When an airplane incident occurs, all the vital information surrounding the incident can be found in the black box, but have you ever wondered what is the case for ships?
Read moreDetailsWhen an airplane incident occurs, all the vital information surrounding the incident can be found in the black box, but have you ever wondered what is the case for ships?
Read moreDetailsLightning remains one of the most significant dangers for outdoor workers, but have you ever wondered what protects ships from lightning?
Read moreDetailsWhat makes a maritime center and which criteria rank one maritime center higher than the other?
Read moreDetailsKey industry associations jointly released a glossary on climate change definitions in relation to shipping in an effort to clarify associated terminology.
Read moreDetailsIn June 2022, new requirements on biofouling management entered into force for ships in Australia, reminding us that the problem is yet to reach its peak, amid a continuous increase in seaborne trade.
Read moreDetailsAlthough the measure practically enters into force as late as 2023, shipowners are already in the process of getting their ships certified for EEXI and calculating CII at the same time, in order to be prepared.
Read moreDetailsWhat does “sustainable” mean and what is the role of regulation in helping this “sustainable” finance?
Read moreDetailsThe often-unplanned methane slip as a result from LNG combustion is the main argument of “LNG as a marine fuel” opponents. What does “methane slip” exactly refer to?
Read moreDetailsDeclaring “General Average” is a practice regularly seen after a maritime casualty, including the high-level Ever Given grounding.
Read moreDetailsWhile shipping’s ability to offer economic and long-distance transport of goods puts it at the forefront of world economy, it is impressive how little most people think about how they have got everything they own.
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