According to satellite images, the spill started on July 4th and has extended to a total area of 400 square kilometres.
The oil spill originated four days before the explosion on the Pemex Nohoch Alfa offshore platform that killed two workers. More than 20 nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) claimed in an open letter that despite the considerable extent of the spill, the authorities have not given any notice of its causes and consequences.

The complete opacity with which this spill has been handled is worrying given the possibility that it is a sample of other similar incidents that go by without being quantified and without record of care
… said the NGOS in a statement
Allegedly, claims were made that the leak has been repaired. Alas, CEMDA stated that based on satellite images, as of July 17, the source of the spill has remained in its position for 12 days, allowing them to assume that the spill continues.
Signatory organizations:
Mexican Alliance against Fracking, CartoCrítica, Center for Human Rights of the peoples of the South of Veracruz “Bety Cariño” AC, Center for Rural Research and Training, Mexican Center for Environmental Law, Integral Ecological Committee, Climate Connections, CORASON defense of the Huasteca territory Totonacapan, Encuentro Ciudadano Lagunero, #EsGasFósil, GDL en Bici Movilidad Sustentable AC, Greenpeace México AC, Climate Initiative of Mexico (ICM), Leave it in the Ground Initiative, Nuestro Futuro AC, Induced Seismicity Observatory, Mexican Methane Emissions Observatory , South Argentina Oil Observatory, Pasta de Conchos Family Organization, Parents for the Future Monterrey, Planeteando, Prodefensa del Nazas AC, Comarca Lagunera, Durango and Coahuila, COINCIDE/ITESO Sustainable Urban Mobility Program.