SAMSA has issued marine notice on the lessons learnt from recent casualties.Three of them are, the collision between two vessels with subsequent abandonment and sinking of one, the foundering of a small pleasure yacht with subsequent loss of life and the abandonment of a fishing vessel with subsequent loss of life as well.
- Casualty 1: Collision between Two Vessels
A vessel A sailed from Cape Town with 14 persons onboard in the evening. In the early hours of the following morning, she was involved in a collision with vessel B. Vessel A started taking on water and the crew successfully abandoned the vessel. The two vessels had been approaching each other with the vessel B approximately two points to port of the vessel A.
- Casualty 2: Foundering of a Small Pleasure Yacht
A small pleasure yacht with three persons onboard sailed in the evening, intending an overnight passage to the next port. In the early hours of the morning the vessel foundered on rocks close inshore. Two lives were lost in this incident.
- Casualty 3: Abandonment of a Fishing Vessel
A fishing vessel was trawling when the weather deteriorated significantly. The gear was retrieved while crew continued to work fish on the open factory deck. The vessels course was altered to put the weather on the stern. In the late afternoon, an accumulation of water was noted on the port main deck. A decision was made to alter course to stem the weather. As the vessels course was being altered, a swell came onboard from the side. The vessel rolled but did not recover and ‘hung’ in that position. A second swell followed the first, with the vessel remaining heavily listed. The port passageway on the main deck was filled with water. Shortly thereafter, with the main engine having stopped due to low LO pressure caused by the list, the decision was made to abandon ship. A number of seafarers lost their lives while in the water waiting for rescue. The abandoned vessel was subsequently towed into port, having righted herself overnight.
To improve changes of survival, vessel owners are strongly advised to disseminate the following two IMO Circulars to all their vessels and ensure the crew are familiar with the contents:
1. MSC.1/Circ.1185 / Rev.1 30 November 2012 / GUIDE FOR COLD WATER SURVIVAL
2. MSC.1/Circ.1182/Rev.1/ 21 November 2014 / GUIDE TO RECOVERY TECHNIQUES
Further details may be found by reading the Marine Notice below
Source: SAMSA