Starting from 24 February 2020, the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) Maritime Administrator will issue the Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance Part I (DMLC Part I) in electronic format only. An original hard copy will no longer be provided.
As informed, each electronic DMLC Part I will include a Unique Tracking Number (UTN) located in the lower left corner of the document.
The DMLC Part I can be verified via the Administrator’s Vessel Document Verification page, using the UTN.
A valid DMLC Part I issued before 24 February 2020 may still be maintained in original hard copy form aboard the vessel. It does not need to be re-issued in electronic form.
DMLC means a declaration summarizing the national laws or regulations implementing an agreed-upon list of 14 areas of the maritime standard.
The declaration is attached to the Maritime Labour Certificate and sets out the shipowner’s or operator’s plan for ensuring that the national requirements implementing the MLC Convention will be maintained on the ship between inspections.