Marshall Registry issues Marine Safety Advisory No69-13
The Republic of the Marshall Islands has issued Marine Safety Advisory regarding recent US Port State Control Detentions due to inoperative water mist systems.
Due to a series of recent U.S. port State control (PSC) detentions within the last year regardinginoperative water mist systems on foreign flagged vessels including one (1) Republic of theMarshall Islands flagged 2013 new build ship, this Marine Safety Advisory is being promulgatedto underscore the importance of having all water mist systems fully checked and verified insatisfactory working order prior to entering U.S. waters, particularly in the ports of the U.S. Gulfof Mexico AND the East Coast.
Be advised that Masters, Officers, and crew members should take note that there have been atotal of 20 foreign flagged vessels detained due to inoperative water mist systems.
- In each of these cases, the water supply valve was found in the closed position during thePSC examination, essentially rendering the water mist system “not readily available forimmediate use.” As a result, each case resulted in a PSC detention.
- Also, in many of these cases, the chief engineer did not know that the water supply valve wasin the closed position and was left in the closed position during maintenance.
- It is highly advisable to make frequent rounds and inspections of the water mist system,paying close attention to valve alignment as well as ensure that there is adequate labeling sothat existing and new crew members will know that critical fixed firefighting equipment mustbe made available for immediate use.
Masters, Chief Engineers, DPAs, and Ship Superintendents are advised to ensure adequatemeasures are in place to ensure the water mist system is in the fully operational and automaticmode. These measures should be included as part of the vessels Safety Management System.
Source & Image Credit: Republic of the Marshall Inslands, Marine Safety Advisory