The UK P&I Club’s Crew Health team recently analysed data from 900+ crew medical examinations, where multiple illnesses were highlighted. Over 200 crewmembers failed their pre-sea medical examination, due to a combination of serious illnesses in addition to obesity.
An accurate clinical assessment is always required for crew members with raised BMI. A BMI of 25 or above can signify a serious weight problem. If being overweight makes them unable to perform part of their job (including safety responsibilities), they may be found temporarily unfit, which means they are unable to go to sea. At the time of a temporary unfit decision based on BMI or obesity, the medical examiner will usually provide advice on weight reduction and weight loss targets can be set to encourage improvement and reduction of BMI.
According to UK Club, obesity can also lead to other serious illness, e.g. hypertension, type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease and even some musculoskeletal conditions. The largest crew medical failures have been seen within these illnesses.
Shipowners, and employers themselves, can also assist the crew to prevent obesity on board, by ensuring seafarers are provided with a healthy diet, such as that recommended by the World Health Organisation:
Fruit – A recommended 5-10 portions of fruit and vegetables per day.
Fat – A reduction in fat intake is encouraged. This can be achieved by changing cooking methods, i.e. swap frying for baking or steaming.
Salt – A lowering of salt levels can be achieved by not adding salt during food preparation, limiting the amount of salty, savoury snacks and not putting salt on the table at mealtimes.
Sugar – Sugar intake can be reduced by 10% by avoiding sugar sweetened drinks, snacks and sweets. Swap processed sugar for natural fruit sugars by eating fruit and raw vegetables.
Exercise plays an important part in achieving and maintaining fitness. Even a small amount of physical activity, such as 30 minutes per day on an exercise bike, can have positive results.
Crew members, given time, free space, and encouragement to exercise, will see the benefit of weight loss, but also a reduction in stress levels, improved sleep and a boost to their self-esteem. Small steps, such as the above, help crew members to achieve and preserve good health, and employers to maintain a fit, healthy and happy crew. This helps to reduce the likelihood of poor health, leading to a shortened seagoing career or medical emergency at sea.
The Club was the first to launch a crew health scheme in 1996 due to increasing crew illness claims and a lack of accountability of clinics. Since 1996, the Crew Health programme has become one of the Club’s leading loss prevention initiatives. The aim of the programme is to reduce the volume and value of crew illness claims which are caused by a pre-existing illnesses or disease. These underlying conditions often impact on the crew member’s fitness for service and can endanger not only the health of the seafarer but also the on board safety of other crew.
Source & Image credit: UK P&I Club