Ensuring proper food handling and storage onboard is crucial for the health and well-being of crew members.
Adhering to strict food safety measures prevents contamination, spoilage, and foodborne illnesses, ultimately contributing to safer and more efficient maritime operations.
Selecting and storing food safely
To maintain high food safety standards, ships should procure food from suppliers that demonstrate adequate controls over their foodstuffs. Food should be clean, wholesome, free from spoilage, and safe for human consumption.
When storing food, it is essential to keep all items at least 15 cm (six inches) above deck. This applies to all kitchen, cooling, and freezing areas to prevent contamination and facilitate cleaning.
Temperature control for perishables
Maintaining the correct storage temperatures is critical:
- Refrigerators should be kept at 4.4°C (40°F) or below to slow bacterial growth.
- Freezers should be set at -17.7°C (0°F) or below for optimal food preservation.
- Deep freezers should maintain temperatures below -12°C for storage up to one month and -18°C or lower for extended storage.
- Chill cabinets, cold storerooms, and refrigerators should not exceed +5°C to ensure food remains fresh.
Cold storage areas must be equipped with sufficient temperature-controlled rooms, considering the number of persons on board and the voyage duration. Additionally, cold storeroom doors and deep freezers should always be operable from the inside to ensure safety.
Preventing cross-contamination
Proper food organization within storage units is vital to avoid cross-contamination.
- Always store cooked and ready-to-eat foods above raw foods to prevent raw food juices from contaminating prepared meals.
- Raw meat, poultry, and seafood should be kept in covered containers with drip pans to capture any liquid leakage.
- Cut and sliced fruits must be stored in sealed containers and placed in the refrigerator unless consumed immediately.
- Raw vegetables such as carrot sticks, celery, or cut potatoes may be immersed in potable water or ice but should be refrigerated until needed.
Inspecting and rotating provisions
Daily inspection of fresh provisions is essential to maintaining food quality and safety.
- Ripe fruits and vegetables should be consumed as soon as possible to prevent spoilage.
- Milk, cheese, and other perishables must be date-checked regularly.
- Any discolored, molded, or spoiled food items, including those emitting foul odors, should be discarded immediately.
- Canned products should be stored in a cool, dry place at approximately 10°C (50°F) and inspected monthly. Dispose of any cans that are past their expiration date, dented, leaking, bulging, or rusted.
Proper handling of canned goods
Once opened, canned goods should never be stored in their original cans. Instead, transfer them to suitable closed containers and store them in the refrigerator or freezer as required. This prevents contamination and extends shelf life.
Safe food handling is not just a best practice—it is a necessity for maritime operations. Investing in food safety training, proper equipment, and regular audits can further enhance onboard food safety, ensuring compliance with international standards and regulations.
Ensuring personal hygiene
What is more, one of the most critical aspects of food safety onboard is maintaining strict personal hygiene among food handlers. Crew members involved in food storage, preparation, and serving should adhere to the following practices:
- Wash hands regularly with appropriate cleansers, especially before handling food and after using the restroom.
- Keep uniforms and kitchen attire clean at all times.
- Avoid handling food when suffering from colds, cuts, or skin infections, as bacteria can easily be transmitted.
- Ensure that all food preparation areas, utensils, and surfaces are sanitized regularly to prevent bacterial growth.