AtoB@C Shipping delivered its fifth new plug-in hybrid vessel to join the company’s fleet of the Maximar on 20 December in Goa, India.
The company is continuing its fleet renewal with the delivery of the Maximar on 20 December in Goa, India. This makes it the fifth new plug-in hybrid vessel to join the company’s fleet since the delivery of Electramar in December 2023.
The vessel features hybrid propulsion and shore power connectivity. Moreover, the integration of battery technology allows for emission-free and quiet port visits, reducing CO2 emissions.

AtoB@C Shipping’s newbuilding program is approaching its halfway point as the sixth vessel, Terramar, was also launched on 3 December and is expected to be delivered in the first quarter of 2025.
Altogether, AtoB@C Shipping has ordered twelve 5,400 dwt plug-in hybrid vessels from Chowgule & Company, with one vessel scheduled for delivery every quarter until the autumn of 2026.