According to AMSA, from 1 May 2024, Australian vessels of 100 gross tonnage or above on international voyages must keep a garbage record book in addition to a garbage management plan.
As explained, new global requirements under the MARPOL Convention are commencing in May 2024. These relate to holding and maintaining a garbage record book for vessels of 100 GT and above.
If your vessel is approximately 24 metres or more in length, you will likely need to comply with the new minimum international standard.
..AMSA stated.
Garbage record books keep track of garbage generated onboard and how it is disposed of. You must record all garbage discharges and incineration operations in the book.
..AMSA said.
Failure to meet the minimum international standard means foreign port State control authorities could issue deficiencies or detain your vessel.
Australian legislation will be updated in due course to apply the requirements domestically. This includes domestic commercial vessels and pleasure craft.
It is already mandatory to keep a garbage record book on:
- vessels of 400 gross tonnage or above (including those operating domestically)
- vessels certified to carry 15 or more people on international voyages.
These requirements have been in place since 1 July 1997.
Determine your vessel’s gross tonnage
If your vessel is 24 metres or more in measured length, it may exceed 100 gross tonnage. To determine the gross tonnage of your vessel you can:
- check the certification issued for the ship
- check the International Convention on the Tonnage Measurement of Ships 1969
- check with a recognised organisation.