Why more Vietnamese ships are captured?
Problems with the shipbuilding industry? By September 2011, the number of Vietnamese ships that were seized at international ports rose to 83. Minister of Transport Dinh La Thang assigned Deputy Minister Nguyen Hong Truong to investigate and suggest solutions. However, by the end of December 2011, solutions were not available, while the number of captured ships soared to 126.According to the Vietnam Vehicle Registration Agency, some Vietnamese ships were built in developed countries but they were old and were not maintained well, resulted in serious technical errors and they were seized. Some of them included Golden Light, Lucky Viship, Xitona, Tan Binh 05, Sunny Viship and Blue Viship that were built in the UK and Japan in the 80s.However, some ships which were built by Vietnamese shipyards in 2005-2010 were also captured, such as Vinalines Unity, Sail 36, Dong An 08 - ALCI, Quang Dinh 36, Viet Thaun 68, Truong Phat 01 - ALCI, An Trung 168 and Century Star. It is said that ships built in Vietnam had problems.In the list of newly built ships, which were captured owing to PSC errors (errors detected by Port State Control), there was Hai Tien 18. This vessel was built at a ...
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