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Towards a sustainable pathway for LNG-fuelled shipping: Debunking the myths

If LNG is a ‘bridge’ fuel, how long is the bridge? And, more importantly, where is it leading? Those questions framed discussions at a series of virtual workshops hosted by Gas Fest and Society for Gas as Marine Fuel (SGMF) last week as senior representatives from shipowners, energy majors, bunker operators, port authorities, class societies and technology suppliers explored how to strengthen the framework for clean fuels in shipping.

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SGMF: The elephant in the room for shipping is carbon

SGMF coalition has signed a MoU with Australian LNG lobbying group LNG MFI with the view to promote the use of gas in Australasia. Through this new partnership, in return, SGMF commits to promote the Australian example in other regions as part of its programme as it does with the other International groups. SGMF highlights that 'the elephant in the room for shipping is carbon' and it needs to act quicker than it ever has before.

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SGMF: The elephant in the room for shipping is carbon

SGMF coalition has signed a MoU with Australian LNG lobbying group LNG MFI with the view to promote the use of gas in Australasia. Through this new partnership, in return, SGMF commits to promote the Australian example in other regions as part of its programme as it does with the other International groups. SGMF highlights that 'the elephant in the room for shipping is carbon' and it needs to act quicker than it ever has before.

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Standards and Guidelines for LNG ship projects

 The LNG marine transportation industry has an enviable safety record and, in the 49 years since the first commercial cargo was transported from Algeria to the UK, 7,200 million m3 of LNG has been safely delivered on approaching 75,000 loaded voyages. This excellent safety record stems from adherence to rigorous codes and standards for the design, construction and operation of both the vessels employed and the marine terminals where they load and discharge their cargo.The codes, standards and industry guidelines were written by drawing on the expertise of the people engaged in the industry and they have been continuously updated and reviewed in light of experience. With the advent of ‘small scale’ LNG usage, particularly in its use as a marine bunker fuel, it is essential that the knowledge and experience is publicised to new participants in the LNG industry.SIGTTO and SGMF have jointly issued the following document to provide a description of all guidance available and sufficient details. In the onset, I was explicit with you propecia before and after has changed my existence. It has become much more fun, and now I have to run. Just as it is fabulous to sit.

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SGMF, GASNAM sign MOU on LNG activities

  The Spanish Association of Natural Gas for Mobility (GASNAM) and the Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel (SGMF) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding for improving its operations and objectives, many of them coincident. SGMF is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) established to promote safety and industry best practice in the use of gas as a marine fuel. Based in London (UK), SGMF is active on a global scale. GASNAM was originally founded in Spain in 2013, but has since expanded to Portugal, thereby representing the common Iberian interests related to terminals for liquefied natural gas (LNG). LNG terminals located on the Iberian Peninsula account for 50% of Europe’s total capacities. GASNAM currently counts 66 members, with activities divided into two sections, each of them accounting for half of its members: terrestrial  and maritime use of Natural Gas as a fuel. GASNAM and SGMF are exchanging experiences and joining activities in terms of developing a standard, still nonexistent in Europe, for regulating the activities of supply of LNG for ships, in its various forms, such as truck-to-ship, port-to-ship or ship-to-ship, in which Spain has already accumulated significant experience. Both entities also collaborate in the UNECE Working Group of Experts ...

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SGMF issues guide on gas as a marine fuel

The Society for Gas a a Marine Fuel (SGMF) has issued an introductory guide for those who would like to know more about using gas as a marine fuel or intend to use gas as a fuel.  The use of natural gas as a fuel is one way of complying with the increasingly strict regime governing emissions of harmful atmospheric pollutants, such as NOPx, SOx and reduces the carbon footprint of ship operations. LNG is the most cost- effective way of transporting natural gas over very long distances. It has been produced and transported internationally in bulk for 50 years. The gas-as-fuel industry builds on this expertise, but the bulk trade and the gas-as-fuel business differ in significant ways.  SGMF Guide gives an overview of these variations and their implications. SGMF is a NGO established to promote safety and industry best practice in the use of gas as a marine fuel. This guide will link to more technically and commercially rigorous guidelines aimed at assisting the emerging gas-as-fuel industry to develop with safety as the paramount concern. LNG Industry Overview Some 237 million tonnes of LNG were traded worldwide in 2013. Japan was by far the biggest importer (88 million tonnes) ...

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USMRC member joins SGMF

The United States Maritime Research Center (USMRC) has named Margaret Kaigh Doyle as the US Vice Chairperson of the Training and Competency Working Group for the Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel (SGMF). The organization is expanding its scope into the US, and the working group will focus on developing a training and competency framework designed to satisfy both International Maritime Organization (IMO) and United States Coast Guard (USCG) regulations. USMRC offers simulation-based LNG as a marine fuel training. The bunkering course is being offered ahead of any USCG regulations governing LNG bunkering. MSI has extensive experience in full-featured tugboat operations teaching and is applying its simulator expertise to LNG bunkering. Doyle is a longstanding appointed member of US Coast Guard Chemical Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC). She also chairs the recently formed CTAC subcommittee tasked with "Developing Recommendations for Safety Standards for the Design of Vessels Carrying Natural Gas as a Cargo or a Fuel". Doyle also participates on the US Delegation to the IMO on matters of LNG as a fuel. SGMF maintains working relationships with other industry bodies, governmental and intergovernmental agencies, including the IMO, to better develop and disseminate industry best practice advice and guidance among ...

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Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel formally launched

SGMF promotes safety and industry best practice in the use of LNG The Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel (SGMF) will formally launch, globally, at the Singapore International Bunkering Conference and Exhibition (SIBCON) on 15 October 2014, at 5.30pm at the SIBCON Cocktail Party.SGMF, which exists to promote safety and industry best practice in the use of liquefied natural gas (LNG) as a marine fuel will take part in SIBCON with the aim of reaching out to the global marine bunkering community.'It's an exciting time for us. We were established in September 2013 and already we are pleased to have 70 members on board. We are looking to speak with more members who work in this exciting industry to join us and get involved in the valuable work that we are doing for this industry' explains Brand, Marketing and Membership Manager, John Saunders.Formed as a membership based non-governmental organisation (NGO), SGMF encourages the safe and responsible operations of vessels using gas as fuel and all marine activities relating to the supply of gas used for fuel.We publish studies and produce information papers and works of reference to promote best practice for safe and responsible operations for both LNG-fuelled vessels ...

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