InterManager’s recent review of the IMO Global Integrated Shipping Information System (GISIS) and maritime industry notifications has revealed a significant rise in new accident notifications and reports.
According to InterManager, the Flag State of Panama has contributed substantially in accident reporting, adding a total of 59 notification and investigation reports to GISIS. This influx of reports is highly welcomed as it greatly aids in statistical analysis and the formulation of corrective actions to enhance safety at sea.
InterManager’s initial assessment of the reports uploaded by Panama indicates a high quality and abundance of valuable information. As InterManager notes, this is crucial for effective analysis and targeted safety improvements in the maritime industry.
Furthermore, InterManager recognizes that IMO Secretary General, Arsenio Dominguez, is potentially influencing Panama’s recent exemplary reporting practices.
As informed, Portugal has also made significant contributions by uploading two new accident reports promptly. The timely submission of these reports, within two months of the accidents on Santuca B and Monte Da Guia, is commendable and supports overall safety improvements in the shipping industry.
It is tremendously helpful to the overall safety of shipping for accident reports to be submitted promptly. Timely notification and efficient and thorough investigation will support the effective safety improvements needed within the industry.
… said InterManager in a statement
The importance of incident reporting was thoroughly explored by Adam Parnell, Director (Maritime), CHIRP, in an exclusive interview to SAFETY4SEA. Parnell had explained that the most immediate way of making a difference to the safety of seafarers is for companies and authorities to be made aware of not only actual incidents but also near misses.