Tag: safety measures

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Artemis fatality Investigation report: Clear drug, alcohol policy defines acceptable limits, saves lives

In its latest investigation report UK MAIB focuses on a fatal incident concerning a skipper onboard a UK-registered fishing vessel ‘Artemis’ who fell head-first through an access hatch between the vessel’s wheelhouse and its mess deck 2.1m below, resulting to severe head injuries and died. The report notes that a significant factor of the accident was that the skipper was under the influence of alcohol.

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Port of Eden affected by Australia’s bush fires

Operations at the Australian small seaport of Eden have been impacted by the major bush fires raging across the South Coast region of New South Wales. In fact, the Port of Eden is the southernmost deep-water harbor in NSW and is situated equidistant between Sydney and Melbourne. The port hosts three wharves including a privately owned woodchip terminal; multi-user Navy wharfs; as well as the breakwater wharf.

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Swire Pacific Offshore crew released

Swire Pacific Offshore (SPO) reported that all seven abducted crew members have been released, and have met with the company's senior representatives, taken for health checks. After 31 days of being captive, the crew were taken for medical checks and other necessary arrangements were organised and all have now returned to their home countries and their families.

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Year in Review: Top shipping stories to remember from 2019

If we had to choose one - or maybe two - words to describe 2019 for the shipping industry, these would be: human-focused. Despite the fact that 2020 sulphur cap was on everyone’s mind this year, we saw many significant developments in key human areas. From mental health issues, to women in shipping and safety culture, the industry seems to be putting its people first, trying to boost equality and – most importantly – safety.

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