Tag: pilots

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IMPA Safety Campaign: Securing pilot ladders at intermediate length is vital

Latest IMPA Safety Campaign on pilot ladders raises awareness of the need for pilot transfer arrangements to be procured, inspected, maintained and rigged in compliance with SOLAS regulation V/23, taking complete account of the ISO 799 standards. IMPA highlights the need to secure pilot ladders at intermediate length and conduct mandatory training, inspection and maintenance.

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Houston Pilots: Vessels must override their power limiter to avoid navigational risks

Houston Pilots have issued an alert to inform vessels to override their engine or shaft power limiters prior arrival at the Houston Ship Channel. As part of their efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions, some vessel operators have installed (or modified existing) engine power or shaft power limiters. However, in some cases, these limiters may reduce vessel maneuverability in a confined channel to an unacceptable level.

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