Tag: NGO ShipBreaking Platform

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NGO Shipbreaking Platform: Polluting shipbreaking practices threaten Ghanian shores

In light of the recent infrastructure developments taking place at its main ports of Tema and Takoradi, Ghana is aiming to become the main integrated maritime hub of the west African subregion. Yet, certain unregulated practices, such as the demolition of end-of -life vessels, still represent a threat for the ecosystem and the health of the quarter of the country's population that lives along the coast, the NGO Shipbreaking Platform warns.

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NGOs worry about imminent breaking of asbestos-laden NOASS Miller Freeman

After news that a ship containing high amounts of toxic substances will be dismantled in Union Bay, Stand.earth, Georgia Strait Alliance, the NGO Shipbreaking Platform and the Basel Action Network (BAN) call upon B.C. federal, provincial and local competent bodies to stop the shipbreaking activities conducted by Deep Water Recovery LTD (DWR) at Union Bay.

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