Tag: Maersk

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Maersk Line cuts capacity on Asia – Europe Trade

Maersk Line to remove 9% of its vessel capacity Oversupply of container vessels operating on the Asia - Europe trade lane has pushed Maersk Line's container freight rates to unsustainably low levels. In order to rationalise its service, Maersk Line is removing 9% of its vessel capacity currently operating on the Asia - Europe trade."With this adjustment we are able to reduce our Asia - Europe capacity and improve vessel utilisation without giving up any market share we have gained over the past two years. We will defend our market share position at any cost, while focusing on growing with the market and restoring profitability," says Maersk Line CEO, Søren Skou.The 9% capacity reduction will be facilitated by a vessel sharing agreement with the French container shipping line, CMA-CGM. With this agreement, Maersk Line is able to remove 9% of its vessel capacity while still maintaining full and competitive coverage for its customers. In addition, the cooperation helps Maersk Line cut the cost of serving West Mediterranean markets, enabling Maersk Line to deploy its own vessels to areas where they are most needed as well as pursue further slow-steaming.A January report from shipping analyst, Alphaliner, predicted Europe - Far East ...

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Maersk launches new corporate movie

We Are Maersk Internationally acclaimed movie director Christoffer Boe and his team travelled the globe, from terminals in Vietnam and Nigeria to busy ports like Shanghai and Rotterdam, from the sun drenched oil fields of Qatar to raging storms at offshore oil rigs on the North Sea, to tell our story.British actor John Hurt narrates the film, and some of our more than 108,000 Maersk employees talk about the environment, innovation, skill and determination, and finding new and better ways to serve customers.

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Maersk Suspends Oil Tanker Trade Deals with Iran After EU Sanctions

Shipping and oil company, A.P. Moller-Maersk, has suspended new oil tanker deals Shipping and oil company, A.P. Moller-Maersk, has suspended new oil tanker deals with Iran because of the European Union sanctions which will embargo imports of oil from the Islamic Republic into the bloc, according to Maersk representatives.Other international shipping companies are becoming cautious of the growing sanctions and complications now involved in trading with Iran. Maersk has suspended all new fixtures involving Iran and products with Iranian origin as well. This came into effect as of January 24, 2012.Aspreviously reported, the EU banned imports of oil from Iran; European oil companies are forced to end all Iran crude dealings by July of this year. The EU also agreed to freeze the assets of Iran's central bank and ban trade in gold and other precious metals with the bank and state bodies. These sanctions will greatly affect trading patterns in regards to the import, purchase, and transport of Iranian oil for numerous companies.On the other hand, Maersk representatives claim that its tanker unit made only 14 Iran related voyages in 2011, which represents a very small portion of their activity. Frontline, the world's largest independent tanker operator, also said ...

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West African pirates costing Maersk dearly

Safegurding African shipping routes against pirates has turned into a costly affair for shippers Safeguarding new African shipping routes against pirates has turned into a costly affair for shipperExporters and shipping companies are not the only ones profiting from growing business and trade between Nigeria and the rest of the world.Pirate entrepreneurs have also discovered the increased opportunities and have revved up their activities in and around the Gulf of Guinea.That increase in activity cost container shipping giant Maersk Line 1.1 billion kroner last year as it spent more on training and equipment designed to deter pirate attacks. That is double the amount the company spent on anti-piracy in 2010.In 2011, there were 64 reported incidents of piracy in the west African region versus 46 the year before, according to the UN. The international organisation notes, however, that many incidents and thwarted attempts go unreported.The rising market in piracy is one trend that Maersk executives are following with rapt attention."There are a couple of regions that we are watching very closely," Maersk Line supervisor Erik Rabjerg Nielsen told the Wall Street Journal. "We are experiencing armed attacks and they have escalated recently."Nielsen's observation was backed up by maritime analysts at ...

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Maersk forms joint venture to help protect marine ecosystems

Cleaning up a maritime mess Vessels traversing the world's oceans carry ballast tanks filled with seawater to ensure stability, trim and structural integrity. However, the water in ballast tanks contains micro-organisms that can wreak havoc on local maritime ecosystems when water originating in one environment is emptied into another. A serious threatExperts estimate that at least 7,000 different species are being carried in ballast tanks around the world, and the International Maritime Organisation calls invasive marine species are one of the greatest threats to the world's maritime ecosystems. The reason the problem is so serious is that, unlike damage from marine pollution such as oil spills, damaged caused by invasive species is usually irreversible.One example of the effect an invasive species can have on local ecosystems is the introduction of the European Zebra-mussel Dreissena polymorpha to the Great Lakes in the United States. It has infested over 40% of internal waterways, clogging water intakes and damaging equipment at hydro power plants.Likewise, in the Black Sea, the filter-feeding North American jellyfish Mnemiopsis leidyi has depleted native plankton stocks to such an extent that it has contributed to the collapse of entire Black Sea commercial fisheries. In several countries, microscopic, "red-tide" algae ...

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