Tag: Low-sulfur

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Euronav ships low-sulphur fuel to ULCC off Malta

Euronav has chartered a tanker to bring a 30,000 tonne cargo of low-sulphur fuel oil from northwest Europe to Malta, where its megatanker, Oceania, is located since January 12. The tanker loaded the low-sulphur fuel from Antwerp and is expected to reach Malta on March 20, Then it will probably transfer the fuel onto the ultra large crude carrier via ship-to-ship operation.

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Shell plans to produce sulphur cap compliant fuel

Shell agreed with Dutch tank terminal firm HES International to partially restart the operation of a German oil refinery mothballed since 2011, in order to address new restrictions coming into force on marine fuels from January 1st 2020. The plant is expected to process heavy, low-sulphur crudes, aiming to produce various products, including the 0.5% sulphur fuel oil or distillate marine fuels.

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New fuels, new challenges?

Unni Einemo, Director, International Bunker Industry Association comments on possible challenges that will arise due to the 2020 sulphur cap. Ms. Einemo notes that in the ideal scenario, enough fuels of acceptable quality will be available in order to meet future demand. However, this scenario is too optimistic and the shipping industry must prepare to deal with future issues.

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Euronav uses ULCC to store low-sulphur marine fuel

Euronav will use one of its two ultra large crude carriers (ULCC) to store low-sulphur marine fuel ahead of the 2020 sulphur cap regulation. ULCCs can carry up to 400,000 tonnes of fuel oil, and this specific ULCC, 'Oceania', has been off Malta since January 12. Euronav stated that the use of the ULCC is just one of its IMO 2020 initiatives, which aim to give emphasis on the quality and quantity of compliant fuel supply.

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Hainan refinery ships low sulphur marine fuel

Sinopec’s subsidiary refinery in Singapore's province of Hainan delivered its first shipment of low-sulphur bunker fuel, complying withe upcoming IMO 2020 sulphur cap regulation. Namely, a ship with 2,200 tonnes of low-sulphur fuel departed the Hainan refinery in late February heading to Ningbo on the east coast. The fuel will be put to pilot use at a maritime institution in Shanghai.

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