ITF and ISF Stress Vital Need for Industry to be Ready
ITF and ISF Stress Vital Need for Industry to be Ready
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Read moreDetailsISF Launches New On Board Training Book For Deck Cadets
Read moreDetailsOn Board Training Record Book for Engine Ratings update In order to take account of the 2010 amendments to the IMO STCW Convention, which came into force in January 2012, and which for the first time will make it mandatory for trainee engine ratings to provide evidence of structured on board training, ISF has updated its widely used On Board Training Record Book for Engine Ratings.This is the second in a series of newly updated training record books, closely following the publication of a revised On Board Training Record Book for Deck Ratings.The revised ISF Book contains structured on board training tasks formulated around the competence standards stipulated by STCW 2010, including those adopted by IMO for the new grade of 'Able Seafarer Engine'. Most Flag States are in due course expected to require many existing engine ratings to be certificated as Able Seafarer Engine as part of their minimum safe manning requirements.As the principal international employers' organisation for ship operators, representing national shipowners' associations from 30 countries and about 80% of the world merchant fleet, ISF wishes to ensure that rating trainees make the best use of their seagoing service.ISF Secretary General, Peter Hinchliffe explained:"The competence of marine engineers, ...
Read moreDetailsISF record book updated re STCW amendments The 2010 amendments to the IMO STCW Convention enter into force inJanuary 2012 and will make it mandatory for trainee deck ratings to usean approved training record book. This includes existing ratings seeking toqualify for the new STCW grade of Able Seafarer Deck, which many flag states will require as part of their safe manning requirements.ISF is therefore launching an updated version of its widely used On Board Training Record Book for Deck Ratings which takes full account of STCW 2010, including the additional competence standards for Able Seafarer Deck.The ISF Book includes structured training tasks developed to ensure that trainees make the best use of their seagoing service, and to help supervising officers make an objective evaluation of whether trainees are competent. A similar book for Engine Ratings (including Able Seafarer Engine) will follow shortly.Source: ISF
Read moreDetailsProduced by ISF ISF has produced a short DVD film- Careers in International Shipping- aimed at young people to promote the attractions of a career in the international shipping industry, which can be used in schools and other careers events.
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