Tag: hazardous weather at sea

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Indonesian ferry capsizes at pier amid Seroja cyclone

The Indonesian RoRo ferry JATRA I capsized at pier at the port of Kupang, amid severe weather caused by Cyclone Seroja, on 5 April. While berthed at Kupang, the 1980-built ship was caught in heavy weather, sustaining a hull breach and subsequent water ingress. Shortly after, the ferry developed a portside list, local media reported. There were no injuries as passenger operations had already been suspended amid development of the cyclone, and all of the 31 people onboard had already disembarked. Tropical cyclone Seroja hit eastern Indonesia last week, claiming lives of at least 150 people so far. JATRA I serves the line between Kupang, West Timor and Pantai Baru port, Rote island, in the East Nusa Tenggara province, Indonesia. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wsh2MCXzDg&t=17s

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TSB Canada investigation: Collision of two bulk carriers after dragging anchor

TSB Canada issued an investigation report on the collision of the bulk carriers Golden Cecilie and Green K-Max 1 in the Plumper Sound, British Columbia, in March 2020. The Golden Cecilie suffered dragging anchor due to heavy winds, the report reveals, stressing that the crew did not follow established procedures to ready the vessel for impending adverse weather conditions. 

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