DNV GL is pleased to announce the completion of the LNGreen joint industry project, which worked to develop a state-of-the-art next-generation LNG carrier. The LNGreen joint industry project brought together experts from DNV GL and industry specialists from GTT, Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) and the shipowner GasLog. Each of the project partners contributed their unique know-how and experience, to develop tomorrow’s LNG carrier using the latest technology, within the bounds of existing shipbuilding methods. The vessel concept has a significantly improved environmental footprint, a higher level of energy efficiency, as well as an improved boil-off rate and cargo capacity, making it much better suited to future trading patterns than existing vessels. LNGreen investigated the improvement of efficiency and performance of LNG carriers by considering actual operational conditions and optimisation in terms of hydrodynamics, machinery and system configuration. These developments were based on DNV GL’s integrated systems engineering approach COSSMOS, state-of-the-art computational fluid dynamics calculations (CFD), and a containment system design, tailored to a specific operational profile and anticipated trades. Martin Davies, the Project Manager at DNV GL stated that “using enabling computer tools we managed to develop a vessel which is approximately 8% more energy efficient and has increased ...
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