According to the St. Lawrence Management Corporation’s Business Plan, the St. Lawrence Seaway Schedule of Tolls was modified in 2019. The SLSMC announced a toll rate increase of 1.0% for the 2019 navigation season. In addition, the New Business, Volume, Gateway and Service incentives will continue to remain in effect.
Specifically, the 2019-modified St. Lawrence Seaway Schedule of Tolls features:
- a toll rise;
- a Gateway Incentive which aims to extend the Seaway’s competitive position;
- a New Business Incentive Program which offers a 20% discount on cargo tolls for any commodity / origin / destination combinations approved by the SLSMC as being new business;
- a Volume Rebate Incentive Program, offering a 10% decrease on cargo tolls for the incremental volume increase over the highest volume achieved by a shipper/receiver over the previous 5 years;
- a Service Incentive Program which offers an additional 20% discount on cargo tolls for new business export cargo for a regular service in the Great Lakes.
As far as the toll schedule, cargo and vessel tolls in Canadian dollars per metric tonne, is concerned
- the bull cargo toll: $1.1442 MLO and $0.7810 Welland;
- the grain toll: $0.7030 MLO and Welland $0.7810;
- the coal toll: $0.7030 MLO and Welland $0.7810;
- general Cargo: $2.7571 MLO and $1.2500 Welland;
- steel slab: $2.4953 MLO and $0.8949 Welland;
- containerized cargo: $1.1442 MLO and $0.7810 Welland;
- government aid: $0 both MLO and Welland.
Also, the Grand River Transit for loaded or ballast vessels will reach MLO $0.1104 and Welland $0.1766.
Moreover, St. Lawrence Management Corporation’s business plan addressed that minimum charge per ship per lock transited for full or partial transit of the Seaway will be charged by MLO and Welland $28.5.
The Lockage Charge, per GRT, will reach $0.2942 Welland for loaded or ballast vessels. Whereas, the maximum toll per vessel will be $4,115.00, Welland.
Under the New Business Initiative, for cargo accepted as new business, a percentage rebate on the applicable cargo charges will reach for both MLO and Welland: 20%.
Under the Volume Rebate Initiative, a retroactive percentage rebate on cargo tolls on the incremental volume calculated based on the pre-approved maximum volume of 10%.
Finally, under the New Service Incentive Program, for New Business cargo moving under an approved new service, an additional percentage refund on applicable cargo tolls above the New Business rebate will be 20%.