Scientific research about overfishing, marine life suffer in the wake of increased violence
Hijacked ships in the Indian Ocean aren’t the only consequence of an increase in piracy in the region.
According to an article in New Scientist, scientists gathering data about fish stocks and threatened species have been virtually shut out of the area because of security concerns. As a result, illegal poaching continues, almost completely unchecked.
“We can’t monitor and we can’t do experiments because of the pirates,” says Laurent Dagorn of France’s Research Institute for Development (IRD).
As a result, piracy may be increasing harmful bycatch.
To avoid being attacked, fisherman are leaving nets at sea for days or weeks furthering the likelihood of snagging and killing turtles, sharks or other threatened species.
Last March, a scientific vessel was hijacked by pirates prowling the waters around the Seychelles. The seven crew members were held hostage for months. They were all later released, but the message sent to the research community was clear:avoid the Indian Ocean.
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Source: Mother Nature Network