Failed Ropes on Pilot Ladder
The UK Maritime Pilots’ Association issued Safety Alert regarding pilot ladder failure. During disembarkation of a 3695 DWT dry cargo vessel in ballast the ship’s pilotladder failed as the pilot was climbing down to the waiting launch.
Both ropes onthe ladder parted simultaneously causing the pilot to fallapproximately 2.0 metres to the deck of the launch. The pilot sustained injuries tohis ankle which resulted in a considerable lost time accident. It could have beenfar more serious!
There are no secondary means of safety on a pilot ladder. As such, pilot laddersfail to danger. Given a repeat of this failure on a larger vessel a pilot would fall asignificant distance. Investigations show that there are many similar incidentsaround the world.
- Prior to using a pilot ladder confirm with the vessel’s Master that thepilot ladder is safe to use and complies with all InternationalRegulations.
- Pilots and Deckhands should visually inspect a pilot ladder for anyobvious defects prior to its use.
- Pilot ladders are made of natural fibre rope and wood. Such materialscan be subject to degredation from chemicals and cargoes which mayimpair the strength of the ladder and make them unsafe. Pilots andlaunch crew should be aware of this as part of their visual inspection.
- If there is any suspicion that a pilot ladder is unsafe – DO NOT USE.
- Defective ladders must be reported to MCA.
You may view the Safety Alert here