To correct a number of clerical mistakes within the initial guidance MEPC.1/Circ.736
Members are advised that IMO has issued revised guidance for the recording of operations in the ORB. The reason for the amendment was to correct a number of clerical mistakes within the initial guidance MEPC.1/Circ.736 which is now revoked. A copy of the revised guidance can be seen here.
However, please be advised that for reasons we do not understand at this time, the IMO Secretariat has changed the recording format of the dates to “dd/mm/yyyy” (the original guidance used the format “dd-MONTH-yyyy”).
To add to the confusion, the third bullet point of the General Guidance in MEPC.1/Circ.736/Rev.1 now reads as follows: “Dates should be entered in dd/mm/yyyy format, e.g. 16-MAR-2009”.
Please notify your ships about this inconsistency and the change in format. It is a clerical issue which can be explained by the crew as long as they are made aware of the conflicting guidelines IMO has issued.
The INTERTANKO Secretariat has approach the IMO Secretariat for clarification on this matter.