ere has been a marked improvement in the situation of piracy and armed robbery against ships
The ReCAAP Information Sharing Centre has issued its Annual Report for January – December 2012. There has been a marked improvement in the situation of piracy and armed robbery against ships in Asia in 2012.
A total of 132 incidents (123 actual and nine attempted incidents) were reported in 2012 compared to 157 incidents (135 actual and 22 attempted) reported in 2011, and 167 incidents (134 actual and 33 attempted) in 2010.
Compared to 2011, this is a 16% decrease in the total number of incidents reported in 2012, the largest year-on-year decrease during the five year reporting period of 2008-2012.
The decrease was more apparent at the ports and anchorages in Bangladesh and Vietnam, in the South China Sea and the Straits of Malacca and Singapore. While statistics shows a consecutive downward trend commencing from 2010, the total number of incidents reported in 2012 was still higher than 2008 and 2009, hence there is no room for complacency.
Of the 132 incidents reported in 2012, seven were incidents of piracy occurred in the South China Sea, and 125 were armed robberies against ships.
Overall, there is a decrease in the number of Category 1 (very significant) incidents and petty theft (minimum significant) incidents in 2012 compared to 2011. However, the number of Category 2 (moderately significant) and Category 3 (less significant) incidents have remained fairly consistent in
2011 and 2012. Four Category 1 incidents were reported in 2012 compared to eight incidents in 2011.
Of the four Category 1 incidents, three were incidents involving the hijacking and one was an incident involving illegal siphoning of Marine Gas Oil (MGO) from a tanker. All hijacked vessels (including barges) except for one tug boat were found and recovered, and the 11 pirates involved in the siphoning of MGO were apprehended by the authorities. The crew was not injured in the incidents.
The overall improvement of the situation of piracy and armed robbery against ships in Asia in 2012 demonstrated the effectiveness of the ReCAAP information sharing network, and operational-level cooperation and collaboration among the ReCAAP ISC, ReCAAP Focal Points, regional authorities, partner organisations and the shipping community.
For more information click at ReCAAP ISC Annual Report 2012
Source: ReCAAP