As of 22 November, Port of Antwerp rolled-out Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) behind the locks on the right bank, while vessel guidance had already started on the left bank at the beginning of the year.
Namely, both on the Scheldt and in the Antwerp docks, traffic is increasing, and the VTS service aims to ensure a more efficient guidance of this traffic.
The implementation of the VTS service on the right bank will take place in two phases. In the first phase, starting on 22 November, Sector Polder will become active on VHF channel 2. Sector Polder covers the northern part of the docks.
The VTS service in the southern part will be launched in the spring of 2022. Together with the start of Sector Polder, the functions of some VHF channels will change.
This will be achieved by providing advice and information on vessel navigation, weather conditions, calamities and other possible risks.
VTS also wants to increase safety and the protection of the environment in the port.