The Nort P&I Club has issued an alert regarding Liquefaction of Bauxite Cargoes as follows:
Members are advised that therehave been anumber of instances of bauxite cargoesliquefying recently. Typically these cargoeshave contained a large proportionvery fine material.
Whilst Bauxite is listed in the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code (IMSBC) as a group C cargo, not known to liquefy or possess a chemical hazard, this categorisation only applies to cargoes that fall within the specific description included in the Code.
Therefore the cargo must have a moisture content between 0% and 10% and consist of 70%-90% lumps with a size between 2.5mm and 500mm and 10%-30% powder to be classed as group C.
Where any of the properties listed in Appendix 1 of the Code for this cargo are not met, such as excessive moisture content due to heavy rainfall, then the requirements of section 1.3 of the IMSBC Code for cargoes not listed in this Code should be followed.
Source: The North P&I Club